Monday, 17 August 2009

Ryans Ryde 2009

A great ride out, a well thought out route by the organisers and a HUGE Well done to West Midlands Police who actively supported Ryans Ryde charity motorcycle run, and didn’t use it as a witch hunt for minor offences such as number plates or exhausts, or even running a “stop and search” operation! It’s a pity we don’t have a national force, and national policing policies as far as two wheeled powered transport is concerned, but then again why expect anything different in a Labour Little Britain where postcode politics is bigger than ever.
My sincerest apologies to the “nice” couple in the black Jaguar X type 2.0D that somehow managed to infiltrate the convoy of over 2000? bikes and got a little upset when inevitably a bottleneck caused a snarl up and delay…. some reminders to them:
“it’s an offence to use your mobile whilst driving…..”
“good driving involves showing some courtesy to other road users”
“keep your ******* distance”

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